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lundi 25 janvier 2016

Salary in sports

As you all know, Professional athletes make loads of money. The sport that pays the most is a baseball player in the major league also known as the MLB. The average athlete in the MLB gets paid 4 million $ a year and still get 100$ a day for food. 
 My theory is, you have people in the world working hard to get into university and too continue and get the job they want and be paid a fair amount but you have athletes that barley do much in my opinion for example baseball pitchers only play about a third of a season so about 60 games and they are the most paid position in sports!
 David Price a pitcher on the Boston Red Socks and he is being paid 217 millions of dollars for 7 seasons what averages about 6 thousand dollars per every pitch he makes. It does take talent and skill to be a professional athlete but is all that money really needed in a life time? 
All sports are different though. It all depends on the money the fans are bringing into the organization. Obviously, a hockey arena can only fit up too 22 thousand people being the biggest arena, but the stadiums in the NFL and the MLB can seat up too 80 thousand people so some sports are making more profit than others what makes the salary for a baseball and football player more than a hockey player.
 Its all about the behind of the scenes in pro sports. If fans just stopped showing up to games I don't think sports would even be a thing. What happend to just the fun days when everyone just had fun? Now it is all about the money and it really concerns me.

9 commentaires:

  1. Well that is one thing that I will never be able to wrap my head around: professional athlete's salary. Clearly, these men and women are gifted from day one to able to play at the level that they compete at but when we really look at the big picture of the thing things start to look a little unbalanced. For instance, the average surgeon makes about $100 000 to $150 000 a year. But these are not ordinary people; these are people that will that will devote their time and lives to helping and even saving others. And the main purpose of these athletes as far as the opinion of the public goes, is to entertain. But they make several million dollars a year. Now in my opinion, if anyone were to receive that much money it should be the other way around and not the way that we have it arranged right now.

  2. Yes that is true, I feel that now a days, its too easy to make money if you are already coming from a rich family or a very talented. I feel that the people that should be getting paid alot is the ones that work hard all threw school too get where they want too be.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I think it's crazy the amount of money pro athletes make today,it would be a lot better if they used that money for those who need it. I agree with you that the game is not what it used to be. Good job :)

    1. thankyou and yes the money they can make in a year can last some people a life time what can be pretty scary,i guess its just because of the way the market and buisness of sports work so it can be more pricey. Fans help alot in the case so i think people have already accepted the fact that they make alot

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  6. Wow, professionnel athletes do indeed make bank like the rappers would say. It is an insane amount that might not be merited. I personally think that other professions like doctors and lawyers should make close to as much money. These hundreds of millions of dollars given to one man who can throw a ball well? To me that is perposterous!

    1. yes that is true, I completely agree with you! I think other profesions should be making more money especially the people that take care of these athletes like the lawyers doctors and people like them! I completely agree and i am very glad we are on the same page involving the situation

  7. That is truly a lot of money! I think the leagues should put in place some sets of rules that require a portion of their immense salary to be donated to charities or taxed to the gov. I think this way we can give some back and players aren't earning too much.
