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jeudi 21 janvier 2016


Hi my name is philip. I am 16 years old but not only am I being forced to write this blog, but I also do enjoy talking about sports. Injuries are a main problem in sports and ill be talking about concussions who have huge impact on athletes lives even after the retire from the sport.
So what are concussions? Concussions are caused  contact to the head causing your brain to shake or shift causing headaches after headaches.
A movie that was released December 25th 2015 and it told a story about a Dr that was doing an autopsy on a retired football player and found nothing wrong with his body that caused his death so he did a brain autopsy and figured out the problem so he fought the problem.
Concussions might not affect someone during the game and maybe for a while but after being retired you can get symptoms and your brain can dissolve into pieces what leads the person not even knowing who they are anymore and doing things they would not normally do. Also, as I said that you may not even realize you have a concussion during the game, trainers and coaches would give them pain meds and things to freeze you up so the player could go back out there.
concussion gif.gifThis situation made it worse for the athlete because it was only make the brain worse. In my opinion most of these situations happen in football because football is a sport that uses their heads more and more every year. The coaches encourage the players to go down with their head what makes the chances of getting hit to the head and getting a concussion more likely.
The sport has evolved into more than just a body sport and this is not always a good thing.

14 commentaires:

  1. I hadn't known about coaches and the use of pain anagelsics during games, but would you say that type of activity is illegal or should be? I can only imagine the extra damage medication could do on an already affected brain.

    1. In my opinion, Legal or not, that won't change much. As a hockey player myself, I know what its like to be indjured and just wanting to get back out there and play the game but only to a certain extent. but most professional NFL players just want to show pride and manliness and just play the game not knowing they could seriously be indjured.

    2. I guess that is true! I'm sure there are all sorts of corrupt things to happen in the sports industry, and illegal or not, they happen. I love how you mention the pressure to be "tough" ; it's definitely something that can contribute to all sorts of problems men face, outside of sports.

  2. As a football fanatic, this was a difficult decision to make but the main reason why I will probably not be playing football or for that matter any sport in which physical contact is encouraged is because of the possible life altering injuries. Specifically head injuries. I do not know much about concussions but what I do know is that they can seriously mess you up over a long period of time. And thanks to your post I am even more open towards avoiding sports involving heavy physical contact.

    1. Yeah, concussions were not a really big issue for me either until the trailer of the movie I was talking about (Concussion) was released, I think that really opened my eyes to everything going on in the background of professional sports. After watching my teamates in hockey suffer from concussions I did not really think back then was not a big deal but now I realized how big of an effect it can have on a person if they hurt it more and more.

  3. I agree with what you said, being the peaceful person I am, after I joined the football team this year, I really felt out of place since I am not a very violent person. The nature of the sport is violent, while the sport is very fun to play, it is very dangerous and we did lose many players across the season due to injuries caused by the violent nature of the game.

    1. yes I agree George you are a very peaceful person, maybe instead of football you can try doing something more relaxing like yoga or even dance! Football is more for the tough and less for the peace. Injuries are a huge thing in sports and you can lose tons of players due to injuries like your football team

  4. I agree Philip. As a soccer fan, I think concussions need to be taken much more seriously! Many players get hit in the head and are clearly knocked out but keep playing. Crazy! In the 2014 world cup, one of the german players didn't even know where he was after getting hit so hard. You're right, concussions are a big flaw in sports.

  5. I agree Philip. As a soccer fan, I think concussions need to be taken much more seriously! Many players get hit in the head and are clearly knocked out but keep playing. Crazy! In the 2014 world cup, one of the german players didn't even know where he was after getting hit so hard. You're right, concussions are a big flaw in sports.

    1. Yes I agree chris, thankyou for the support on the issue. And yes I remember that because I was watching it with my family and could not believe it! Concussions can happen in any sport and even outside of sports! Players need to take an easy if they have signs of a concussion and treat the problem

  6. I've never had a concussion before and I never really knew what it was before I read your blog post, I knew that it usually happens when you get hit with an object on your head but that's about it, I never really knew how serious it really is. I hope to never experience it considering what it could do! Love your blog and the humour!

    1. Well thank you very much, I like the fact that i can teach people the importance of taking care of youself so you can have a better future with no mis haps , I think telling people the dangers can have a positive out come in the world and thankyou, i try to make them as interesting as possible

  7. WOW Phil this is amazing. I myself being interested in sports as well it is nice to know about possible injuries that could affect me and what the symptoms would be. Also really liked your opening sentences it is very personal and made me laugh. But anyways keep up the good work can not wait to read more of your blogs.

  8. This is some scary stuff Phil! Concussions are insane and I hope I never have to experience them. The worst part about them is that they always seem to have minimal side effects when they happen but always bite you in the butt when you get older. Good informative blog.
