Sports are all about the fun and bringing people together right? Its the best of the best athletes in the world. But when someone uses drug enhancing substances too make them better in the sport.

This in my opinion is not only dangerous for the human body to go threw and it can have a huge conscience, but it is also considered cheating. Is it fair for someone to do drugs to make them better to others that work day and night to become a better player. Its just not fair. Now that some leagues are starting to understand the cheating concept of using drugs, they have established drug testing so that the league would know if someone was cheating or not.

Players have been found guilty from this. professional major league baseball player Alex Rodriguez. A-Rod was borned July 25 1975. He was drafted by the Seattle Marners and later on traded to the New York Yankees. He was tested positive using steroids In the middle of the season in 2013. He was the 2nd all time home run hitter. It was crazy because the guy is in his 40s and still shredding the ball... After being caught using, the MLB suspended A-Rod for the rest of the 2013 seeason and the 2014. I would be very ashamed personally. I feel that his whole carrier was a lie. All the records he has set, its all a lie. I think more professional leagues should be getting these test done because it is not only unfair because you are taking a spot away from a potential player in the minors, but it also is not fair for the league because like I said before it is in fact cheating. Whats the point of using? You got some advantages but its not like its something you should be proud of.